Maureen Pilkington’s fiction has appeared in anthologies, journals and magazines including The Antioch Review, Ploughshares, Puerto del Sol, Confrontation, Bridge: Art & Literature in Chicago, MSR Fiction Anthology, Santa Barbara Review and numerous others.
Her personal essays, “Stuck on an Elevator with Sixteen Republicans,” “Climbing Jungfrau with Five Spouses,” and “How to Start a Story or a Marriage,” appeared in the Weston Magazine Group’s fifteen NY/CT/NJ editions covering the New York City metro and suburban luxury market. Additional essays have appeared in journals, magazines and websites including CoveyClub.Com, Fiction Southeast and Still Point Arts Quarterly.
Pilkington worked in book publishing as a Subsidiary Rights Director and received an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. Her new story collection, This Side of Water: Stories, published by Regal House publishing, is the 2019 Winner of the American Fiction Award in the short story category. She is currently working on a collection of essays and a novel that takes place in Manhattan and Provence.
Pilkington is the founder and director of Page Turners, a literacy program of the Archdiocese of New York that brings authors into the inner-city schools to teach writing. She also currently serves as a trustee to Sarah Lawrence College.
Born in New York, Pilkington lives in Rye and Manhattan.